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A thousand years of history and contemporary evidence make one thing clear. Progress depends on the choices we make about technology. New ways of organizing production and communication can either serve the narrow interests of an elite or become the foundation for widespread prosperity.

The wealth generated by technological improvements in agriculture during the European Middle Ages was captured by the nobility and used to build grand cathedrals while peasants remained on the edge of starvation. The first hundred years of industrialization in England delivered stagnant incomes for working people. And throughout the world today, digital technologies and artificial intelligence undermine jobs and democracy through excessive automation, massive data collection, and intrusive surveillance.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Power and Progress demonstrates that the path of technology was once—and may again be—brought under control. The tremendous computing advances of the last half century can become empowering and democratizing tools, but not if all major decisions remain in the hands of a few hubristic tech leaders.

With their breakthrough economic theory and manifesto for a better society, Acemoglu and Johnson provide the vision needed to reshape how we innovate and who really gains from technological advances.


International editions

Available now

Brazilian edition: Poder e Progresso: Uma luta de mil anos entre a tecnologia e a prosperidade

In the media: BBC.

Bulgarian edition: Власт и прогрес. Нашата хилядолетна битка за технологиите и просперитета

Finnish edition: Valta ja edistys, Tuhatvuotinen kamppailumme teknologiasta ja vauraudesta

In the media: Helsingin Sanomat; Kauppalehti; Monde Diplomatique Finland; Labour Institute for Economic Research

German edition: Macht und Fortschritt: Unser 1000-jähriges Ringen um Technologie und Wohlstand

In the media: Der Spiegel.

Italian edition: Potere e progresso: La nostra lotta millenaria per la tecnologia e la prosperità

In the media: Innovation Post; Fondazione Pirelli; Il Foglio

Japanese edition: 技術革新と不平等の1000年史 上 (Part 1); 技術革新と不平等の1000年史 下 (Part 2)

In the media: Nikkei; Foreword; Ashai Shimbun Digital; Toyo Kezai; Tokyo Web

Korean edition: 대런 아세모글루 , 사이먼 존슨 저자(글) · 김승진 번역

In the media: The Chosun Daily; Chosun Daily News; Kim Jiyoon’s Knowledge Play.

Portuguese (Portugal) edition: Poder e Progresso: A nossa luta milenar pela tecnologia e prosperidade

In the media: Publico

Romanian edition: Putere și progres: Lupta noastră de o mie de ani pentru tehnologie și progres

Spanish edition: Poder y progreso: Nuestra lucha milenaria por la tecnología y la prosperidad

In the media: La Tercera; ABC; La Sexta; El Mundo

Taiwanese edition: 權力與進步 科技變革與共享繁榮之間的千年辯證

In the media: GVM interview; CW article; CWGV promotional video 

Thai edition: ความเจริณไม่เคยเกิดขืนเอง

Turkish edition: İktidar Ve Teknoloji

UK edition (hardcover and paperback): Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity


Coming soon

Czech edition: Moc a pokrok: Tisíciletý boj o technologii a prosperitu, published by Argo. September 2024.

French edition: Pouvoir et Progrès: Technologie et prospérité, notre combat millénaire, published by Pearson. November 2024.

Polish edition, published by Zysk. January 2025.

Georgian edition, published by Sulakauri. May 2025.

Ukrainian edition: Сила і прогрес. Наша тисячолітня боротьба за технології та процвітання, published by Nash Format. Winter 2025.

Mongolian edition, published by Nepko.

Vietnamese edition, published by Tre.


Additional international editions coming soon.