Meet the Team

Alex He

Research Affiliate, MIT Shaping the Future of Work Initiative

Assistant Professor of Finance at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Changing Rent-Sharing in the Economy

Alex He is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. His primary research interest is in the area of empirical corporate finance including labor and finance, mergers and acquisitions, and innovation and entrepreneurship. His work explores the role of management and norms in shaping wage inequality in the labor market, as well as the implications of new technologies like artificial intelligence for firms and workers. His papers have been published in leading scholarly journals, such as The Quarterly Journal of Economics, The Journal of Financial Economics, and The Journal of Finance. He is the recipient of the Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Award and the Washington Center for Equitable Growth Doctoral Research Grant. He received his PhD in Economics from MIT in 2019 and his BS in economics and mathematics from Tsinghua University in 2013.

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